Monday, October 18, 2010

Hi everyone. If reading this, you probably already know that my name is Orvis and I play lead guitar (and sing) in the "Blonde Entertainment" booked band,"The Flying Toasters". If you didn't know, I am, and I do. :) Recently (Blonde Entertainment founder and president and my friend) Lisa Sauce Asked me if I would start doing a blog for her website to help keep it fun and generate attention etc. We talked about what I might put on the blog, and came up with things like current music events, features on local artists, readers polls, etc. But she also said I could talk about whatever I want. Well today is one of those days.:) I don't know why exactly, but I've been wondering what people might think about this question/subject.

                                           IS ANGER HEALTHY?

I suppose if you asked me that, I'd have to say yes and no. If something upsets in a way that provokes you to take positive action and try and fix it or make it better, I think that could be called healthy. And I think everyone would agree if your spending time being frustrated about something you have no power over, that's probably not healthy.

Anger that leads to things like frustration, rage, bitterness, distrust, and unforgiveness (among other things) is very unhealthy indeed! I suppose I may not be telling you anything you don't already know, but this is something I know about firsthand. Many of you who know me may not know that I used to have a pretty bad anger problem. (yes me) In fact, I let it get so bad that I basically had a meltdown that led to me taking a swing on a cop and ending up in jail for a few days. Friends, Jail is not a fun place to be.:) That was the worst period of my life. The one positive thing that came from it was the decision I made and action I took to go to therapy and "Anger Management" classes.In those sessions I learned that most of my anger/rage came from fear and personal insecurity, but possibly the most important thing I learned from all that is one word.....                                                   FORGIVE
Forgive others. Forgive yourself. Forgive.... Quite simply, if your holding on to anger or bitterness for someone else, you're not hurting them, you're hurting you. Author Steve Arterburn says"Resentment, bitterness, and a lack of forgiveness anchor us to a past that cannot be changed.We cannot go back and undo the damage of yesterday, but we can undo the damage it is causing today. We do that with the act of forgiveness."  Okay, I'm not even sure why I've said all this, but perhaps there's someone out there who needs to hear it. I promise more light-hearted stuff next Monday!:) In fact, I'm going to be talking about (and interviewing) My best friend Bill Hayes. You know, the Flying Toaster Drummer. with the hair!! :):) BTW, I was told by my brother if you sign up to be a follower of my blog, and also sign up for a "google reader page", the blog will automatically post to the page. Please feel free to comment and tell me (and everybody) what you're thinking. Take care friends.... :)



  1. it would be nice if u could provide a link to a site where someone could find information such classes and possibly sign up for one... this was very imformative and I enjoyed it very much.. gave me something to think about...

  2. Hey Orvie! I am thinking your Dad would be proud of this. You have got more than a little Minister in you. I think you could write a nice sermon.

  3. What a wonderful blog that you shared with us. Thanks for being so open and being real.

    You are so right in that forgiveness is the key to our personal freedom. It will unlock door to a whole new world. Forgiveness is just not about forgiving others but as you wrote and are so correct... it is about forgiving youself and loving yourself. We are all worthy. Worthy of our own love & our forgiveness. It is easy to forget and this blog is a wonderful reminder for us.

  4. This is not anger mentioned, however, I believe anger could be fit into this informative piece....

    There are times when the world is just too much. When fate, fortune and the will of man all turn against us and the deck is simply stacked too deep for us to come out ahead. These are times when a stiff upper lip and a drive to push on simply aren't enough. These are times of desperation, of hopelessness and of isolation.

    Many turn to their faith, hoping and praying for relief, others reflect within, searching for answers within themselves when none can be found in the world around them. But no matter where you turn or where you look, you always learn about yourself and, in that small regard, our darkest times can be turned into our most valuable asset.

    For when we're just going about our lives, we're practically standing still. We're not changing or making any effort to improve, we're simply drifting. With shifts happening over months and years and little idea where we're going, just a vague idea of where we've been, we learn nothing and grow little.

    The moments that move us not only change us, but show us the direction that we're heading. For the first times in our lives, we see who we really are, what we're becoming and are given the power to change it. Through the tears, pain and loss comes a sense of opportunity, a chance to rebuild, to improve and to grow.

    In the long run, we are defined more by our dark times than the times we were just surviving. Our darkest hours are the ones that cast the sharpest contrast on our life, change us the most and make us who we are.

    Though that doesn't reduce the sting of those times when we're in the thick of them, nor is it meant to, it means that there is always hope, a chance for a brighter future and better days. For no destruction takes place without presenting and opportunity for recreation and no dark times can pass without providing valuable lessons and a chance to become something stronger.

    So yes, right now we need to cry our tears and mourn our losses. Yes, we need to deal with the tragedies that have surrounded us and cope the best that we can. But through it all, we must remember that the future is being written today, even as history is being destroyed.

    Finally, we must remember that when we emerge from these times, no matter when that is, we'll all be changed people, wiser, stronger and with a new understanding of who we are. We must use that to work toward creating a better future, a greater tomorrow.

    That's the only way to ensure that what was lost hasn't perished in vain and the only way to paint a picture of our lives defined not by the darkest hours, but by the lessons learned from them.

  5. Thank you for sharing this depth of honesty Orvis!

    Something we all experience... anger. One of the most destructive emotions known to humans when we allow it to control us and determine our future. No jail time, in the institutional sense, but I was certainly held captive by this powerful emotion! Now it is only an ocassional visitor (Thank God for His forgiveness and love) and doesn't stay very long because I now have the tools to deal with it in a healthy way.

    Holding on to anger and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.

    Something I've learned is... "If i have a resentment it's because I didn't get my way yesterday; If I am angry it's because I'm not getting my way today; If I am full of fear it's because I'm afraid I won't get my way tomorrow"

    When I'm feeling resentful, angry or afraid I now know there are things I need to take care of, talk about with a trusted friend and pray about.

    I like what you said about forgiveness... before I can forgive anyone else, I must accept the forgiveness that is offered to me... I must forgive myself for being human!

    The Eagles (one of my favorites) said it in "There's a Whole In the World" .... "anger is just a disappointed love..." and I don't think that is just talking about romantic love. When we aren't happy and begin blaming others, things begin spinning out of control and it's too hard to look within ourselves and ask what we need forgiveness for...more anger is piled for protection.

    With the practice of forgiveness, focusing on what is good in our lives, even the good that has grown from the painful experiences we have all had, we find that anger is not in control, we are. We are free to feel anger and can respond to it in a different and better way.

    Can't wait to read about your interview of the Amazing Bill Hayes!

    Can you name the movie... "fear is the path to darkness; fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering...."

  6. Thanks everyone for all the awesome comments!! I love the quote:"Holding onto anger and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die". Thanks Cinalou!! Also Chrissy, what a profound article you posted there!! It's true for me. Every time I ever backed myself into a corner is when I made a great decision to change my life for the better.

  7. You Rock Orvis! Very nice article! During my first marriage I had very bad anger issues & had to end up only spending an hour in jail by getting into a fight with my ex-wife, but I was lucky to only have to spend 1 hr, but it was not fun AT ALL! I skipped having to stay in jail by going to Anger Management classes & I learned alot. A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder & depression & anxiety. I already knew I was depressed & had anxiety all my life, but I didn't know I suffered from being Bi-Polar which causes me to have extreme mood swings & anger issues. I am on medication now, but I still get angry about things, but I have learned the things you discussed from Anger Management classes & from church & the medication helps. You are exactly right with everything you said. The biggest thing we can do is follow the good Lord and do what you have mentioned which is what Jesus said also....FORGIVE. Love & Forgiveness. "Love the Lord God first with all your heart, mind, body & soul & Love people (which includes forgiveness, no matter what they do to you)". We need to love ourselves & love people & say "Father Forgive them for they know not what they do". God Bless you Orvis!! From: Tony Scott
